Do you ship to APO or FPO addresses?
YES! We ship to both APO and FPO addresses, and we are proud to continue to offer our services to the men and women of the US Armed Forces.
Follow these steps to ensure that your order will be delivered in a timely fashion.
- City field: Enter "APO,"FPO," or "DPO."
- State/Province/Region field: Enter the two-letter code for the region where the recipient is stationed. Typically, but not always, the code is "AE" for recipients stationed in Europe, Canada, Africa, or the Middle East; "AA" for recipients stationed in the Americas; and "AP" for recipients stationed in Asia or the Pacific.
- Country field: Always select "United States" from the drop-down menu regardless of where the recipient is stationed.
All shipments to APO, FPO, DPO addresses are sent via U.S. Priority Mail. We estimate 5 to 7 business days for delivery once the order has been shipped.
If you have any further questions, please contact one of our friendly Customer Service Representatives for further assistance.
More about Shipping Information
Place an Order or contact Customer Service 24/7 at:
1-800-516-LENS (516-5367)
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